After a long drive, we understand how you would not want to stand behind a counter, haggling over a room while a high-turnover clerk is in possession of your information-laden ID. Before and during your drive, we will coordinate with you by phone.
Upon your arrival, we will unload your luggage and promptly escort you to your suite.
Later, we will provide a free standard exterior carwash for your vehicle (during daytime sun). within scheduling limitations, valet parking is provided.
Limitations and Conditions
Depending on the location, there are limitations and conditions, particularly prescheduling requirements and supplemental waivers of liability. Valet parking is available at most locations via separate service providers, for which we would credit your account. Limited hours apply for most valet services.
Additional parking and valet terms apply; the local provider will provide details. Otherwise, you are welcome to use an alternative parking provider, for which we would reimburse you, up to twice the cost of what we would have incurred with the default on-site parking provider.