Dignitary Discretion

Arrival by Sea Disembarking Assistance Shore Boat • Chauffeur Confidentially Compartmentalized


Cruise Liner

If you are arriving by scheduled cruise liner, please simply provide us with your cruise information in advance. Your concierge will coordinate accordingly. You shall be greeted at the terminal.

Support fees and/or reimbursement of livery charges would apply for disembarking support, wait times, and/or on-board services.


Private Yacht

Dockside Assistance • Custom Assistance if Anchored Near-Shore

Our niches consist largely of executives, high-profile individuals, dignitaries, and financiers who enjoy the privacy, serene relaxation, and openness of yachting. Special arrangements can be made for transportation to land from a private vessel. We can retrieve you via land (harbor or landing) or water (disembarked vessel, whether anchored or sailing onward thereafter). Additional fees apply.

Whether you are hosting a special event, disembarking a charter, or docking along a journey, a team comforts you in full-service relaxation.

Clandestine Harbor RVP Dockside

Sea Plane

Rendezvous at Sea or Near-Shore

We confidentially arrange to retrieve you, those staying with you, and your luggage.

Support fees and/or reimbursement of livery charges would apply for disembarking support, wait times, and/or on-board services.

Offshore Support
Luggage that is retrieved offshore is limited to short-term, lawfully personal baggage. We only serve legally present clients in the U.S. who have good-faith, non-adversarial intentions; please click here for our client requirements. Screening for safety and physical legality (not pertinent to documents or data) may be required of baggage that is retrieved at sea; under such a circumstance, a mutually agreeable third party (such as a lawyer or staffer thereof who is fiduciary to you and would be under your secured supervision) can be privately coordinated. Any refusals of services or possessions should not be deemed to be legal advice or legally authoritative. A supplemental agreement would be required for offshore services.

Your Arrival

Discreet with Full-Service Dignity


Scheduling and Necessary Individualization

Required Call to Concierge Promptly upon Booking
Arrival and Departure Times
Changes to Your Itinerary

Local Arrival

Required Appointment Time
Each arrival is private, as a fundamental safehouse requirement of for your location-confidentiality.
Arriving by Sea
Support for Cruises and Yachts
Please coordinate your private arrival by phone.
Arrival with Handicap Assistance
Non-Emergency Support for Complex Disabilities

Your Confidential Location

Your Entry into Solace

Welcoming You to Your Realm of Luxury
No on-Site Transactions
Payment in full must clear for services (including the chauffeuring service) to commence.
Your Specific Accommodations
Individualized to Your Preferences
Storage of Your Luggage on the Day of Arrival
Storage on the day of your arrival is normally only available with Executive Luxury,
but you are welcome to schedule your arrival for any hour of the calendar day with a regular package of the Executive Collection.

Topics Related to Maritime

Actively Protective of Your Confidentiality

Paradigms for Your Privacy
Private Executive Services Off-Book Compartmentalization Cutout Correspondent Proxy/Surrogate
Safehouse Paradigm for Hospitality
Welcoming You with Your Opportunity to Move Forward

Your Representatives