- Private Executive Housing and Living
- Confidential Travel
- Breakthrough Meetings
- Off-Book Temporary Offices
Mitigating what Otherwise Could be
Rough, Thwarting, and/or Pernicious
Your Important Private Resource
Our paradigm is based on the wisdom of how to support the productivity and location protection of independently traveling US-friendly dignitaries. We incorporate business-pertinent innovations to enable each of the following factors, which normally would contradict each other in a conundrum:
- complex business productivity, from the perspectives of sophisticated executive travelers;
- reasonable feasibilities of economics, marketing, and legality, from an amalgamated long-term perspective of a small business with necessarily governmental independence; and
- pragmatically relevant countersurveillance tradecraft, economically tiered to service levels.
Composition of the Safehouse Paradigm
Examples of Unique Facets
Among Our Specialties that Categorically Surpass Ordinary Five-Star Hospitality
Salient but Unfamiliar to Most People
Countersurveillance necessitates a completely different paradigm of hospitality from traditional hotels—with heavy reliance on direct personal service by broadly and deeply skilled professionals. The mass-volume, efficient-procedure, visually prominent structures of traditional hotels are contradictory to location confidentiality and various protections.
There are no standardized inventories of rooms with which an adversary can infiltrate you or your accommodations. The normal ability to exploit vulnerabilities of housekeeping is bypassed, and there is no mechanism for renting an adjacent room. Indeed, there is no reasonable way to track you by name or other means, and there is simply is no hotel to target.
Please click here for an introduction to our facilities information.
Please click here for an explanation of how each occasion of hospitality is custom.
Advanced Specialties
The Executive Sovereignty and Romantic Sovereignty packages feature detached houses with enclosed garages.
We understand that many people are not willing to incur the costs and inconveniences of physically compartmentalized anonymity.
We must accept the realistic stance that our elimination of most vulnerabilities is certainly safer than nothing. For example, the sizes and mixes of uses of luxury buildings with condominiums, particularly near the Las Vegas Strip, inevitably includes some common areas, but, even if a client wants to stay in the middle of the action, our methods mitigate most risks. Our Signature and Executive Collection services are structured to support you as an HVI package. A client of ours who upholds anonymity and common-sense careful behaviors would therefore be at the caliber inherently of a hard target—and categorically beyond the concentrated resources of almost any civilian adversary.
In addition to tradecraft protections that we do not advertise, a few mitigating examples of our security pertain to bypassing customary security breaches: 24-hour anonymous room service, private full-service arrival with no front desk, anonymous chauffeuring, and anonymous dry cleaning.
Private Villa
If you are lawfully protected by armed personnel, and/or if you lawfully maintain special security protocols, Dignitary Discretion is your unique opportunity for strong autonomy over your security.
Please click here for examples of how we facilitate DIPSEC, EPD, and other security operations.
Readily Accessible Luxury
Comparison to Safehouse Standards
Many of the stresses typical of safehouses can be mitigated, but the sources of those stresses are usually ignored by hardened keepers who dismiss matters of comfort as being frivolous. Particularly for our core markets, we have learned the wisdom of the opposite approach, with practical and important benefits.
- Comfort, contentment, and focus enable maximal success of leadership and negotiations.
- Meetings should be held in professional environments, conducive to important resolutions.
- Extensive amenities and all-inclusive services enable maximum productivity, and avoidance of needing to go through cumbersome steps of close protection details, or to be exposed needlessly to vulnerabilities.
- Healthy, clean, and (per specific requests, with some packages) hypoallergenic environments and foods (avoidance of specific allergens) keep you productive, confidence-inspiring, and focused.
Ordinary Safehouses
Safehouses around the world are largely a mix of semi-abandoned government structures, moldy basements of embassies, austerely cramped mobile homes and temporary structures, simple rooms in churches and synagogues, filthy converted barns (not to be confused with Perry's Schoolhouse, home to still-adorable Future Farmers of America), and forsaken slums.
Blacksite Comparison
Even Further Extreme Contrast
A blacksite would typically be of military-style roughness, and have even less consistent qualities.
However, a blacksite would rarely be a base for a high-value individual, except during an emergency.
Fictional entertainment predominantly portrays diplomatic life as lavish and immersed in unrestricted obsequiousness, but that usually only applies to pre-planned, low-risk travel by less than one percent (high-budget public figures) of officials in the world. When a dignitary, HVI, or friendly asset needs to stay in a safehouse while traveling independently, his or her many stresses are normally compounded by the inefficiencies and extreme limitations of amenities and resources. Focus, productivity, and rest are usually dampened by a disconcerting lack of maintenance. There is usually minimal flexibility for productivity needs or preferences for comfort. Ironic to some newcomers of the role description of a safehouse keeper, any housekeeping would usually only be done with begrudging inconsistency by a man whose only good cleaning habits pertain to his firearms. If there is a commissary or other secure on-site market, frozen dinners are often the most pleasant cuisine that is safely and conveniently available, regardless of whether at one's own expense.
Please click here regarding our focus on providing greater real-world security from major threats, without the consumer-level requirements for ID and other simplistic protections of hotels, which were primarily established to prevent towel thefts and similar hotel losses.
Not Cleared for Federal/Military Secrecy
The majority of our clients are financiers and executives, and our second largest market consists of high-profile individuals. Regardless of business covers, we would not know—and we deliberately avoid requirements for documentation that could build breadcrumbs for knowing—whether someone possibly works for State, DoD, OGA, or a contractor thereof. Please click here regarding the hypothetical interim use of our services by the US for low-security foreign assets and other friendlies who do not have clearances.
We maintain safehouse concepts of unpredictable, inconsistent locations, with low-profile physical presence. To enable access to business and high-profile clients without compromising clients' confidentiality, we cannot not have security-cleared facilities. Our methods of security are primarily based on the safehouse paradigm of maintaining a low profile, not the fortress paradigm. Please click here for more information about our facilities.
Safehouses and Denigration
From Jesus evading the Pharisees,
to persecution from the Gestapo,
through off-book US and allied contractors of the present,good, moral people have occasionally needed
the hospitality and support of faithful keepers.Moses, Jericho, and Jesus
Please click here for sermon notes from a now-retired deacon-chaplain, and current manager of Dignitary Discretion.
Ultra-Extensive Packages
Facilitative Services and Benefits
Personally Supportive of Your
Contentment, Restfulness, and ProductivityEnabling Level-Headed, Inspirational Leadership
Adapted from the Wisdom of Chiefs of Staff At the Opposite End of the Spectrum from the Burdens of SERE
Risks of Ordinary Civilian Lodging
Insights of Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities
Hotel rooms, civilian residences, and home guest arrangements usually involve ceaseless vigilance, dangerously awkward interactions, limitations on special resources and services, and variably convoluted procedures outside the home--all of which detract from the productivity, persona of confident leadership, and focus that would be necessary for an executive, dignitary, high-profile individual, or financier to achieve his or her objectives of the trip or interim station.
Most people who work in hospitality never extend the personal risks or sacrifice that are routine for clandestine HVI protection, and most never experience the honor of presenting solace to someone who has endured the profound, largely unrecognized burdens of service and duty in the Western/Israeli IC. We treasure the deep sighs of relief expressed by clients, assets of US interests, family members, dignitaries, and other good people, and we are particularly contented when we can provide a pleasant environment that restores a well-deserved sense of joyous R&R.
For clients who are visibly recognizable by the general public, or whose adversaries are sufficiently funded and/or determined to apply HUMINT at the destination, we minimize exposure to the customary common areas of hotels. Hotels are pleasant and convenient venues to sit and people-watch—and that includes adversaries, sensationalist social-media gossips with too much time on their hands, and Paparazzi. A traditional hotel is designed with elements that support hours of unrestrained people-watching and eavesdropping by almost any interested member of the public. Confidential information can be directly learned simply via eavesdropping or feigned conversations (especially against soft-target visitors of yours or by basic tradecraft such as wearing a uniform and carrying a clipboard.)
Many hospitality jobs at hotels are immediately and easily available, with notoriously high turnover and data-only instant background checks. As an employee, there are countless means to manipulate scenarios for access to your driver's license information (or for you to hand it over willingly), for your credit card (not usually for credit card fraud, but instead to be able to manipulate your card issuer for monitoring your card activity), to feign excuses for calls to your room and for informative conversations with you—and, of course, for access to your room. With access to your room, a variety of unnoticeable (even by counterintelligence officers—to the point that a bugsweep would be futile in most environments) wormholes can be perniciously opened. Decades ago, concealed listening devices were easy to find because they transmitted continuous streams of analog signals, with consistent frequencies and traceable Doppler strengths. Now, unless a particular environment is in an unpopulated space, is intensively blocked from radio transmissions (or at least everything outside legally restrictive ranges, such as the US federal wireless network), or otherwise is gradually mapped and refined over the course of months, any attempt at trying to isolate the ubiquity of inconsistent moments of variably angled digital signals throughout an unknown city hotel room would be foolish.
Amateurs, investment fund consultants, private investigators, Paparazzi, and others reliably obtain room numbers of targets when they stay in hotels. Again, these are merely examples of some of the least sophisticated, lowest potency methods.
- A lobby provides public seating that is within clear range of visibility and eavesdropping for guest registration at the reception desk.
- The service-worker culture of polite subservience to patrons, combined with high-efficiency/low-security public environments, means that unknown adversaries can infiltrate in plain sight. Lounges and open seating are usually located at the fronts and sides of lobby restaurants. Anyone from the public can innocuously enter, and proceed to loiter for hours as if waiting for a companion. A routine technique, by both amateurs and professionals, is to make use of a lounge to watch and listen for a target to approach the restaurant's front desk. Then, an adversary could change seats within the lounge or confidently walk to a nearby table to eavesdrop and/or to monitor you. Before you leave, you would customarily charge the bill to the room number. By feigning a mistake, or by calmly feigning the role of a patron who is confirming something, your unknown adversary could slip your signed room charge into his pocket.
- Many hotels are structured with the visibility of the doorway for numbered rooms from publicly visible areas. Inherently as a hotel, a stranger does not draw suspicion by loitering from one of those vantage points—and are often treated to cushy chairs or even lounge service.
- Somehow obtaining your room number would rarely involve anything more than an immaterial amount of effort. Even at the amateur level, small tips/purchases and plausibly frantic excuses to soft-target employees in room service, bell staff, gift shops, and/or valet services will usually be successful at garnering your room number, and often other valuable intel and exploits.
Knowing your room number enables a wide variety of simple techniques that are frequently deployed, even amateur adversaries.
- An adversary could access your doorway on a keycard floor of a security-guarded hotel simply by registering himself for one night in a small room, even on the executive level, which falsely makes people feel secure.
- A well-dressed or falsely uniformed adversary could momentarily enter a room during housekeeping, make the housekeeper happy with a few dollars while mentioning that he wasn't sure if his wife had left a tip for her. He then can strategically drop a surveillance device, and leave seconds later without taking anything or otherwise causing any suspicion.
Now that you have a basic perspective, common sense would inevitably conjure some additional risks. A few seconds of initial thoughts can enable any amateur to identify vulnerabilities, which leads us to the thesis of this page that professional tradecraft is too effective and too swift for the porousness of customary hospitality. The perpetual effort of trying to plug holes under these conditions would be futile, and would distract you from your primary business objectives. Indeed, the efforts themselves would be self-defeating, drawing self-validating attention that you are a valuable bogey with observable soft-target methods, and would paint a map for adversaries of your vulnerabilities and opportunities.