Dignitary Discretion

Your Confidential Local Arrival

Free Airport Chauffeuring with Most Services


Consumer-Caliber Livery or Taxi Services Rabbit Hole Refuge  •  Reservations via Online Travel Services


Your Arrival

Discreet with Full-Service Dignity


Scheduling and Necessary Individualization

Required Call to Concierge Promptly upon Booking
Arrival and Departure Times
Changes to Your Itinerary

Local Arrival

Required Appointment Time
Each arrival is private, as a fundamental safehouse requirement of for your location-confidentiality.
Arriving by Sea
Support for Cruises and Yachts
Please coordinate your private arrival by phone.
Arrival with Handicap Assistance
Non-Emergency Support for Complex Disabilities

Your Confidential Location

Your Entry into Solace

Welcoming You to Your Unit
No on-Site Transactions
Payment in full must clear for services (including the chauffeuring service) to commence.
Your Specific Accommodations
Individualized to Your Preferences
Storage of Your Luggage on the Day of Arrival
Storage on the day of your arrival is normally only available with Executive Luxury, but you are welcome to schedule your arrival for any hour of the calendar day with a regular package of the Executive Collection.